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Union Bank d.d. Sarajevo’s predecessor was established as far back as 1955, as a branch office of the Jugoslovenska banka za spoljnu trgovinu (Yugoslav Bank for Foreign Trade), and following reorganization of its business operations in early 1990, the Bank becomes an independent financial institution operating under the name of Jugobanka Jubbanka d.d. Sarajevo.

In late 1992 the Bank changes its name to Union Bank d.d. Sarajevo, under which it operates today.

During the war, the Bank sustained incalculable damage, but thanks to great efforts invested primarily by its employees, it has managed to find its place in the market.

Significant changes have been taking place since 2012, when activities on modernization of business operations were initiated. Young and experienced personnel has become part of the Bank’s Management, a new mission, vision and corporate values have been created. The long-term business strategy has been established, as well as the new visual identity, created in cooperation with the BiH academic community.

In the subsequent years, business units all around FBiH have been refurbished, the business network has been expanded, and the crown of these changes has been the change of the head office and the new Union Bank office building, which has rounded up the story of the Bank’s corporate identity.

Nowadays, Union Bank d.d. Sarajevo operates as the only commercial bank with majority state-owned capital in BiH, whose mission is building a development-oriented commercial bank with a broad spectrum of high-quality banking services that correspond to the actual needs of our clients.

INTERNAL AUDITOR: Azemina Smailbegović
Number of business units: 4 branches and 9 sub-branches
Shareholders: Federal Ministry of Finances (95.77%) and other smaller shareholders.